Monday, March 12, 2012


SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Ronnie Smith, a weightlifter from Louisianawho lost his legs, captured a silver in the bench press. Then hetook on ABC reporter Lynn Swann in an impromptu arm wrestling match.Lying on their stomachs, Smith nearly flipped Swann over in the firstof four defeats. In the final match, Smith baited Swann, allowinghim to almost get the pin.

"Ronnie told me he was going to let me win," Swann said, "butthen said, `You didn't give Dallas a chance, why should I give you achance.' "

"I was playing with him," said Smith.

"Ronnie's really left-handed," said coach Ralph Thomas. The Illinois men's basketball team lost to Alabama 76-58, despite 43points by Ervin Locke, whose performance drew an inquiry from ajunior college coach. "I'm ready for junior college," Locke said. "Itmight start out slow at first, but that's OK. I want to go toschool."

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