Sunday, February 26, 2012


WASHINGTON, DC -- The following information was released by TechAmerica:

TechAmerica President and CEO Phil Bond issued the following statement in response to today's release of the Administration's International Cyberspace Strategy.

"TechAmerica applauds the Obama Administration for its development of a strategic approach to addressing the global element of cybersecurity. Cyberspace is borderless, the threats we face are international, and the partnerships we need in order to prepare for, recover from, and mitigate cyber attacks are fostered all around the globe.

"The strategy released by the President today takes a broad approach to the issues of the global, digital economy. TechAmerica's members share the strategy's goal of an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable information and communications infrastructure, and we have long called for an international approach to greater cybersecurity coordination and cooperation. International cooperation is essential if we are to contribute to forging needed partnerships and collaborations geared towards combating evolving cyber threats, so we can enhance our economic and national security as well as consumer confidence and trust in the use of Internet. We are particularly pleased to see that of seven important policy priorities, the first is a focus on the economy by promoting international standards, and promoting innovation and open markets.

"By combining priorities that seek to protect networks, address 21st century challenges, foster inclusive Internet governance mechanisms, and further Internet freedom and privacy, the President's strategy takes on a critical global leadership role. The Internet has created borderless societies worldwide changing how information is shared and protected. TechAmerica's members operate globally, and partnership with the government here at home and abroad is imperative to achieving measurable success toward those priorities. We look forward to working with the Administration in the implementation of the strategy in in bilateral, regional, and multilateral forums and opportunities."

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About TechAmerica

TechAmerica is the leading voice for the U.S. technology industry - the driving force behind productivity growth and jobs creation in the United States and the foundation of the global innovation economy. Representing approximately 1,200 member companies of all sizes from the public and commercial sectors of the economy, it is the industry's largest advocacy organization and is dedicated to helping members' top and bottom lines. TechAmerica is also the technology industry's only grassroots-to-global advocacy network, with offices in state capitals around the United States, Washington, D.C., Europe (Brussels) and Asia (Beijing).It was formed by the merger of AeA (formerly the American Electronics Association), the Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA), the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) and the Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA).Learn more about TechAmerica at

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